Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment from preconception through delivery

Acupuncture treatments during the first trimester can ensure safe implantation and maintain the pregnancy. As pregnancy progresses, acupuncture treatments nourish the body and alleviate early symptoms such as fatigue, anemia, nausea, and heartburn.

Later, the aches, pains, constipation, and swelling that go along with pregnancy in the second and third trimesters can be greatly alleviated by acupuncture treatment as well.

Labor Preparation

Acupuncture treatments in the final few weeks of pregnancy are very effective for preparing the body for labor by softening the uterine ligaments and encouraging blood flow to the pelvis. This helps the baby descend into the birth canal in the proper position, prepares the cervix to soften, and helps uterine muscles effectively contract when needed. Acupuncture has been shown to be 85% effective in turning a breech baby, helping mothers deliver safely and naturally.

Studies show that women who receive weekly acupuncture sessions on weeks 36-40:

  • Reduced likelihood of induced pregnancy

  • Reduced risk of medical interventions such as epidural, c-section, forceps, etc.

  • Faster, shorter childbirth.

Acupuncture can assist the body to go into labor naturally when a woman is past due to help the baby engage in the birth canal, gently promote cervical softening and dilation, and strengthen birth sensations (contractions). These treatments can be done more frequently (every 1-3 days) until labor begins.

Photo of a woman and baby

Postpartum Care

The body goes through many changes and demands during the postpartum recovery phase. Acupuncture treatments can assist women with:

  • Lactation

  • Anxiety, Mood Swings, or Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Faster Healing and recovery from C-Section or Vaginal Tears

  • Balances and regulates hormones to a pre-pregnancy state.

Download the Postpartum Care and Cookbook Here