Interstitial Cystitis, What can you do?

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a chronic condition that affects the bladder and causes pain, discomfort, and urinary urgency. This condition can be challenging to diagnose and treat, but there are natural remedies that can help manage symptoms.

What Causes Interstitial Cystitis?

The exact cause of IC is unknown, but it is thought to be related to hardening of the bladder’s lining. People with IC have a damaged or thin bladder lining, which allows irritants in the urine to reach the bladder wall, causing inflammation and pain. Some factors that contribute to interstitial cystitis include:



-Chronic Inflammation


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How Can I treat IC Naturally?

  1. Diet modifications- Some foods and drinks can irritate the bladder and worsen IC symptoms. These include caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, acidic foods, and artificial sweeteners. Avoiding these foods and drinks can help reduce inflammation and pain. Instead, try incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, berries, and fatty fish into your diet.

  2. Supplements- Some supplements have been found to be helpful in managing symptoms of IC:

    -Quercetin is a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce pain and inflammation

    - Probiotics can help to improve gut health in some individuals and reduce systemic inflammation.

    -Vitamin D levels in those with IC typically test lower in those diagnosed with IC, therefore supplementing with Vitamin D may assist with symptoms and inflammation.

  3. Stress Management- Stress can exacerbate IC symptoms, so finding what helps you de-stress can be beneficial. Practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are proven to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

  4. Exercise- Regular exercise can help improve bladder function and reduce inflammation in the body. Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling can be beneficial for people with IC.

  5. Acupuncture- Studies show that acupuncture may help reduce pain and improve bladder function in people with IC.

Living with IC can feel consuming, but there are many remedies that can be used to improve one’s quality of life and feel like yourself again. At Cultivate, we treat IC often. With a few courses of herbal remedies and a regimen of acupuncture sessions many find immense relief and a new found gratitude for pain-free days.


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