Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


When hair is developing, it is in touch with our internal environment. Once it reaches the surface of the skin, it hardens and locks in the metabolic processes that happened while it was forming. In order to keep heavy metals and toxins out of the organs, the body pushes these excess minerals and metals into the tissue of the hair as a way to keep the vital organs safe. In this way, the hair can give a lasting impression of the last 3-4 months of the body’s mineral status and nutritional metabolism.

HTMA testing is NOT a diagnostic tool, but a screening tool that can give so much information about mineral deficiencies, imbalances, and excesses. It is a blueprint of what minerals the body is retaining or losing, and the key relationships between minerals which can help to understand someone feels the way they do. It is a wonderful addition to other screening tools to create a plan to bring the body back into balance by understanding what is going on under the surface.

By analyzing the hair tissue, we can see the status of:

  • stress

  • Glandular activity of adrenals and thyroid

  • Blood sugar regulation

  • Carb Tolerance

  • Liver Detox Functioning

  • Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

    Because of the mineral depletion in soil, improper diets, chronic stress, and nutrient depleted food enriched with minerals and vitamins, so many of us have a mineral imbalance. By using the information contained in a few strands of hair, we can create a personalized nutritional and supplemental plan to bring your body back into balance so you can start feeling your best again. Simply order the at home test, follow the instructions and send back the test. Once the results are analyzed, a someone will reach out to you to set up your virtual consult to go over the results. The price of the test includes the appointment and the analysis

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